A perfect Sunday

One sunny Sunday in Amsterdam we cycled northwards, away from the dream house.

It didn’t take long before the architecture changed. Seems to me I’m yet to see an ugly building in Amsterdam. There must be some somewhere?

And sometimes they come in all kinds of sizes, which is very cute.

Fellow winter swimmer posing for me as we cycled past.

I can’t remember how long the bike ride took, maybe 4o mins at a gentle pace, and our destination was Het Schoolhuis (The Schoolhouse. See! Dutch is basically a third English, a third Swedish and a third Dutch. Perfect for me to learn) for a bit of lunch. I had some amazing creamy cake concoction for afters, and it was so delicious I ordered another portion - something I’ve never done before. Still, all that cycling seems to do something; we ate an insane amount of sugar for the two weeks we were in Amsterdam (so much so that my teeth hurt by the time we got back home, and I couldn’t stomach anything sweet for another couple of weeks) but! I didn’t put any weight on.

Ahh, here I go with my random pictures again. After we’d finished eating we went for a short wander in the neighbourhood, and for some reason we entered the local tiny church, which was being used as a venue for an art presentation that an artist was doing later in the day. There was some nice stuff there, but for some strange reason all I took a picture of was the floor. Sometimes my brain works in mysterious ways.

Minutes away from the church we got to the water, and my shadow might have been a tiny bit tempted to push Z in the water. But most probably it just wanted to be in the shot.

Leaf it out.

Can’t believe how blue the sky was. Not a single cloud all day.

We then hopped back on the bikes and cycled homewards, past these perfectly single striped cows

snd these two, picnicing, having taken out the car seat so they could sit on it whilst they ate. Clever.

The fields were full of birds (I’ve never seen so many in one place before) and they must’ve all been taking a break on their long journey south. Some seemed to be heading that way here though (if you’re looking at this on your phone you might need to zoom in a bit).

Agh, so pretty.

Coming back through the same trees as in the first picture, but with the sun in a different place and going the other way.

And just like that, we were back in the city again. I keep thinking about this Sunday every now again - it really was perfect in every way. Sun out and riding bikes. Good food, good friends, good times, so easily taken for granted. What a flippin’ crazy world we live in, where life now continues as normal for some of us, whilst others have had theirs turned into a living nightmare in the space of just a few days.